cover Duo – Melbourne

//cover Duo – Melbourne

cover Duo – Melbourne

cover Duo – Melbourne (CODE – 162ULDC)

cover--duo2222Picture this – a male vocalist-acoustic guitarist that plays drums with his feet and a female vocalist/pianist that also plays bass at the same time. Add to this, breathtaking harmonies and you have the exciting sound of young this Melbourne based duo; the only completely live duo who provide you with the sound of a full band!
With the ability to recreate any song from the 60s through to the top 40 hits of today, They are suited to any venue or occasion. All shows are conducted in a professional manner with over 1000 gigs between them. As well as quality performers, comes high quality musical instruments and PA system, ensuring an exceptional performance – every time.
Whether it be to get crowds up and dancing or to simply provide a sophisticated and laid back atmosphere, they are the  entertainment for you.
