floor show-saw player – Melbourne

//floor show-saw player – Melbourne

floor show-saw player – Melbourne

floor show-saw player – Melbourne (CODE – 57C )

de-bl saw

Voted the most ‘Talented’ Musical Saw player (or Sawyer) in Australia,

David has once again emerged from the dark alleyways to bring a little bit of light and a whole lot of weird into your lives. You are probably all familiar with his musical saw (if you’re not, her name’s Gretel) but who exactly is this odd little clown? What other tricks does he have up his sleeve? And more to the point, how on earth does one actually find the world’s smallest orchestra when they’re so very, very small?! Watch Splatt (and Gretel) reveal the answers to all these secrets and more through physical comedy, story-telling, and puppetry. David puts the ‘Devil’ back into ‘Vaudeville’ and a smile upon your face.

Can be roving or stage act with comedy.
